Welcome to Egerton Parish Council
A year in view
Click on the image at the bottom of the page to see some of what your councillors and Parish Council are working on and have achieved in recent months.
The presentation will play automatically.
Clerk's Office
The Parish Clerk will not be in attendance at the Village Hall Office on Tuesday and Thursday until further notice.
Parish Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Council will be held on Tuesday 4 February 2025 at 7.00pm
This meeting will be held in the Committee Room, Millennium Hall, Egerton
The meeting is open to the Public and all are welcome to attend.
We ask that anyone wishing to attend in person notify the clerk in advance at clerkegertonpc@hotmail.co.uk. Anyone who wants to record the meeting must notify the clerk in writing at least 24 hours prior to the meeting taking place. This is to ensure that we have enough space and seating for all that wish to attend and to make special provisions for attendees who do not wish to be recorded.
For information on regularly visited items
- Parish Council Meetings for Agendas and Minutes 2020 to 2024 (see the Archive for older Agendas & Minutes)
- Planning Information
- Neighbourhood Plan (external link)
- Hire of Parish Council facilities (external link)
- Regulation & Archive for Financial and Regulatory Information
Further information can be found by using the tool bar above or contacting the Clerk
Clerk to Egerton Parish Council
Sonia Young 01233 756501
Tuesday 9.00am to 3.00pm Thursday 9.00am to 3.00pm